Create a program that asks the user for a day and then gives them a distance in days between that day and another random day in the year. We have provided you with a possible starter, but you are welcome to change it up if you would like.

import datetime
from random import randint

year = int(input("Enter a year: "))
month = int(input("Enter a month (1-12): "))
day = int(input("Enter a day (1-28): "))

user_date =, month, day)

random_date =, randint(1, 12), randint(1, 28))

difference = abs(random_date - user_date)

print("The number of days between {} and {} is: {}".format(user_date, random_date, difference.days))
The number of days between 2019-07-10 and 2019-04-21 is: 80