
  • Nested Conditional Statements consist of conditional statemetns within conditional statements.
  • If Else Statements can be put inside of another if else statement using this layout for psuedo code.
  • algorithm - A set of instructions that accomplish a task.
  • selection - The process that determines which parts of an algoritm is being executed based on a condition that is true or false.
  • A conditional is a statement that affects the flow/outcome of a program by executing different statements based on the result of a true or false statement. That true or false statement is a boolean expression.
  • In almost every programming language, if/else statements fill in the role of the conditional. Some languages call this switch blocks but if/else is the most used term.


our homework we have decided for a decimal number to binary converter. You must use conditional statements within your code and have a input box for where the decimal number will go. This will give you a 2.7 out of 3 and you may add anything else to the code to get above a 2.7.

Below is an example of decimal number to binary converter which you can use as a starting template.

decimal = int(input("pick a number"))
def convert(dec):
    bin = ""
    i = 7

    while i >= 0:
        if dec % (2**i) == dec:
            bin = bin + "0"
            i -= 1
            bin = bin + "1"
            dec -= 2**i
            i -= 1

