First Presenter

  • Born in Vietnam and studied abroad in Spain
  • Santa Clara University
  • Finance Major
  • Stockbroker but didn't really enjoy it
  • Worked at 3 big companies in High Tech
  • Moved to San Diego and learned to surf
  • HP Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific, Qualcomm
  • First did financial banking and switched to High Tech
  • Worked for companies that wanted to help people

Second Presenter

  • Software Engineer: SRE, DevOps, Infustructure
  • Livermore High School
  • Enrolled at UCLA for Electrical Engineering
  • Center for Embedded Networked Sensors
  • Graduated from Grad school
  • System Engineer at a start up
  • NBC Universal, Streaming media infrastructure
  • Intro to DevOps, transition to Qualcommm
  • Working at Twitter
  • Continuous learning is very important when going into High Tech