Missed Questions

  • I missed questions: 22, 26, 28, 35, 47, 48, and 49.
  • On question 22 I selected answer B. I took an estimated guess because I didn't understand or know the question. The correct answer was C.
  • On question 26 I selected answer C. I chose this answer because it seemed like the best answer to the question. The correct answer was A.
  • On question 28 I selected option D. I did this because I knew that it could not be A or B so I took the 50/50 chance and chose D. The correct answer was C.
  • On question 35 I selected options D and B. I the answer that was wrong was B. I chose B as my guess because I knew it was D and couldn't figure out what the other answer was so I took a guess. The other correct answer was A.
  • On question 47 I selected A. I misclicked and did not check over the questions. The correct answer was D.
  • On question 48 I selected B. I did this because in the code segment I saw that 50->y so without looking at the rest of the code segment. The correct answer was C.
  • On question 49 I selected D. I don't really know why I chose this answer it was mostly a guess and if I am being honest I was just trying to finsih the Final. The correct answer was C.